The Project “United towards empowering youth, women and disadvantaged groups” is a two-year project financed by European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Jakova Innovation Center (a lead partner) and Municipality of Gjakova.

The overall objective of the project is:

“to contribute to the development and improvement of employability potential for youth and women and disadvantaged groups by investing in skills and knowledge necessary to become self-employed, excel in the local labour market of Kosovo, and adapt to rapid development of innovation and technology.”


While there are four main specific objectives that the project aims to achieve:

  • SO1: To provide active labour market measures such as tailor-made training and workshops to youth, women and disadvantaged groups (age 15 – 24) based on market analysis;

  • SO2: To improve the skills of youth, women and disadvantaged groups by providing on-job training and internships at local companies;

  • SO3: To create job opportunities for youth, women and disadvantaged groups by developing their capacities and financially supporting them to start-up their business;

  • SO4: To empower youth, women and disadvantaged groups by creating a sustainable cooperation framework between the ‘triangle’ of the public, private and NGO sector.

  • SO4: To empower youth, women and disadvantaged groups by creating a sustainable cooperation framework between the ‘triangle’ of the public, private and NGO sector.

The project is in its initial phase of implementation, however when fully implemented the following results are expected to be reached:

  • EO1: local labour market demands and needs identified and the gap between the workforce and the labour market reduced;

  • EO2: 250 young women and men (60% restricted only to women and disadvantaged groups) equipped with demanding skills and knowledge required to ensure employment and becoming self-employed;

  • EO3: 100 young women and men (50% restricted only to women and disadvantaged groups) gained on-job training and internships, and became competent workforce;

  • EO4: 16 small-scale grants provided to business start-ups created by youth, women and disadvantaged groups (70% restricted only to women and disadvantaged groups);

  • EO5: Partnership between Civil Society, Local Government/Educational Institutions, and the Private Sector formalized and functioning;

  • EO6: Strategy for the Development of Qualified Workforce is drafted, approved and enforced by the Municipality of Gjakova;

Project contacts:

St. Sylejmon Hadum Aga, no. 189
50000 Gjakova, Kosova
Fatos Axhemi, Project Manager

Meet Our Team

Fatos Axhemi
Fatos Axhemi
Project Manager
Çlirim Gola
Çlirim Gola
Project Coordinator
Hare Nuza
Hare Nuza
Finance and Administrative Manager