
By |2021-03-10T09:10:48+00:00|

    We started 2021 with webinars on “Skills for problem solving with Design Thinking” and “Planning for Growth”. Interesting ideas and concepts offered by to our startup community in their path to success in the post pandemic business setting.

United towards the empowerment of youth, women and disadvantaged groups

By |2021-04-21T08:55:02+00:00|

In the framework of the project "United towards the empowerment of youth, women and disadvantaged groups", supported by the European Union, through the EU office in Kosovo and the Municipality of Gjakova, we visited the Vocational Training Center, where we were warmly welcomed by Mr. Arbër Zhubi, director of VTC in Gjakova. Motivated by the [...]

Junior Geeks

By |2021-03-13T13:36:44+00:00|

    Çka është Junior Geeks? Junior Geeks është një program arsimor, i krijuar për të frymëzuar të rinjtë për të ngritur aftësitë e tyre në STEAM (Shkencë, Teknologji, Sipërmarrësi, Art dhe Matematikë) dhe të kanalizojnë kapacitetet e tyre për inovacion Hooray! #JuniorGeeks is back and this weekend we kicked-off club meetings in #Prishtina, #Peja [...]