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So far web_fi8o5j has created 32 blog entries.

The Workforce Development Strategy

By |2022-09-30T11:12:44+00:00|

The current strategy is prepared for Jakova Innovation Center (JIC) as part of the EU financed project ‘’United towards empowering youth, women and disadvantaged groups’’.  The municipality’s long-term economic success depends on the strength of businesses in their efforts to attract, retain, and build skills in order to stay open, expand, and hand over to [...]

Call for applications: Social Media Local Expert

By |2022-06-30T12:58:59+00:00|

In the framework of the cooperation between #PPSE and Jakova Innovation Center, the call for applications is announced: social media Local Expert The main objective of this activity is to support SMEs from food sector to improve their digital marketing performance through social media channels. Duties and Responsibilities Social Media Local expert will collect [...]

Thirrje për propozime për Start-up

By |2022-06-09T10:01:57+00:00|

 THIRRJE PËR APLIKIMJakova Innovation Center në partneritet me Komunën e Gjakovës ftojnë bizneset e reja/ ndërmarrësit me ide biznesi inovative që të aplikojnë për grante që kanë për qëllim zhvillimin e bizneseve të reja përmes financimit. Thirrja për propozime është publikuar në kuadër të projektit: “Të bashkuar drejt fuqizimit të të rinjve, grave dhe grupeve [...]

A Successful Training Season

By |2021-12-15T12:35:39+00:00|

The holidays are coming and we are quite happy to come to the end of year with amazing results. One of them being the great work that is made possible via the the project “United towards empowering youth, women and disadvantaged groups” implemented by Jakova Innovation Center, financed by European Union and co-financed by [...]

Gender-Based Analysis

By |2021-08-11T12:14:37+00:00|

Gender Based Analysis has greatly contributed to the development of the project  “Supporting Women-Led Startups Financing Through the Development of a National Crowdfunding Platform" as it has been clearly shaped by the views of several parties and women in particular in order to create better conditions that would level the playing field in entrepreneurship for women [...]

Labour Market Analysis and Needs Assessment Report

By |2021-08-11T12:14:00+00:00|

The current report is prepared for Jakova Innovation Center (JIC) as part of the EU financed project ‘’United towards empowering youth, women and disadvantaged groups’’. The report focuses on skill mismatch and adaptability of work force in Kosovo in general, and in Gjakova region, aiming to clearly identify hindrances and propose initiatives to reduce the [...]

Call for Application On-Job Training and Internship

By |2021-08-23T10:21:11+00:00|

In the framework of the project "United towards empowerment of young people, women and disadvantaged groups" No. 2020/419-486, implemented by Jakova Innovation Center -JIC, financed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and co-financed by the Municipality of Gjakova, the Call for Application is launched for all interested young people of Gjakova, Deçan and [...]

The empowerment of young people in the labor market is discussed

By |2021-05-24T20:23:07+00:00|

Within the context of the project "United towards the empowerment of young people, women and disadvantaged groups", a project supported by the European Union; implemented by Jakova Innovation Center in partnership with the Municipality of Gjakova, a round table was organized with actors from the business community and civil society. This roundtable discussed the [...]

Round Table on Assessment of Labour Market Analysis

By |2022-07-28T07:25:02+00:00|

Sot, më 18.05.2021 në kuadër të projektit “Të bashkuar drejt fuqizimit të të rinjëve, grave dhe grupeve në disavantazh”, projekt i përkrahur nga Bashkimi Europian; implementuar nga Jakova Innovation Center në partneritet me Komunën e Gjakovës , u organizua tryeza e rrumbullakët me akterë të komunitetit të biznesit dhe shoqërisë civile. Në këtë tryezë u [...]

Pyetësor për mundësitë për gratë në fushën e ndërmarrësisë në Kosovë

By |2021-05-24T20:28:38+00:00|

Ky pyetësor mat gjendjen lidhur me mundësitë që ofrohen aktualisht në Kosovë për gratë ndërmarrëse dhe pritjet e tyre për të ardhmen në këtë aspekt! Pyetësori është ndërtuar nga Qendra Inovative e Gjakovës (JIC) me qëllim të një informimi më adekuat për temën në fjalë. Ju lutem ndani pak minuta që të përgjigjeni në këtë [...]