Fillimi i Projektit CDSIP – Mbështetja për Ndërmarrësinë Sociale në Komunitet

By |2025-03-14T08:05:36+00:00|

Fillimi i Projektit CDSIP – Mbështetja për Ndërmarrësinë Sociale në KomunitetJemi të lumtur të njoftojmë fillimin e projektit Community-Driven Social Innovation Programme (CDSIP), një nismë e rëndësishme që synon të fuqizojë grupet e nënpërfaqësuara në Kosovë përmes ndërmarrësisë sociale. Ky projekt zbatohet nga JIC (Jakova Innovation Center) me mbështetjen e LuxDev, Agjencisë së Bashkëpunimit Zhvillimor të Luksemburgut dhe ka për [...]

THIRRJE PËR APLIKIME: Program Trajnimi për NMVM-të.

By |2024-10-29T14:10:09+00:00|

THIRRJE PËR APLIKIME: Program Trajnimi për NMVM-të në Sektorin e Mobilierisë dhe Veshmbathjeve në Komunën e Gjakovës Qendra Inovative Jakova (JIC), në bashkëpunim me projektin FEGO dhe Komunën e Gjakovës, fton ndërmarrjet mikro, të vogla dhe të mesme (NMVM) që operojnë në sektorin e mobilierisë dhe veshmbathjeve (tekstile) të aplikojnë për programin e trajnimit [...]

Empowering Voices: Youth-led Multimedia Against Discrimination

By |2024-04-25T09:25:43+00:00|

 "Empowering Voices: Youth-led Multimedia Against Discrimination" is a project funded by European Union Office in Kosovo and ATRC, designed to address hate speech and discrimination in Gjakova municipality, Kosovo, by harnessing the energy and creativity of its youth.  Over six months, starting February 2024, we will conduct a series of dynamic multimedia workshops for [...]

Empowering Youth through Artificial Intelligence

By |2024-02-24T10:54:54+00:00|

Project "Empowering Youth through Artificial Intelligence: Leveraging Job Creation Prospects in Kosovo" "Empowering Youth through Artificial Intelligence: Leveraging Job Creation Prospects in Kosovo," project, supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society,  aims to equip 150 youth in Gjakova with essential skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and enable them to leverage AI technologies for [...]

Success Story Step Up Project

By |2023-07-14T11:47:30+00:00|

STEP UP: A Successful Endeavor in Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship The Jakova Innovation Center, a leading organization committed to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, has successfully concluded its project titled "STEP UP". The project, which ran from November 2022 to June 2023, was meticulously designed to equip young individuals and women aged 18-29 from the [...]

STEP UP – Thirrje per trajnime

By |2023-02-24T13:09:52+00:00|

📢We are happy to announce that JIC is open for applications for training in digital skills, business skills and negotiation skills! All interested young people 👩🏽‍💻🧑🏽‍💻 can apply by writing us at 📧email After the training session, young people will be recommended for internship in local businesses. 🔴Don't miss the opportunity! The application is open until 10.03.2023. *The [...]


By |2022-12-16T12:24:46+00:00|

Jakova Innovation Center has started with the implementation of the project "STEP UP", which is supported by Care Deutchland e.V Office in Kosovo, in the framework of the project "Participation of the Youth of Kosovo - KYP" financed by the Office of the European Union (EU) in Kosovo . The overall goal of the project is [...]

Promoting The Power of Media Toward Furthering Democracy

By |2022-09-30T11:18:14+00:00|

"Promoting The Power of Media Toward Furthering Democracy" The overall goal of this project is to raise awareness among Kosovo youth on the power of media on the democratization of society through the development of a learning program on media literacy and critical thinking. Through this overall goal, the project aims to promote peace [...]