Latest Publications
STEP UP – Thirrje per trajnime
đąWe are happy to announce that JIC is open for applications for training in digital skills, business skills and negotiation skills! All interested young people đ©đœâđ»đ§đœâđ»Â can apply by writing us at đ§email After the training session, [...]
Promoting The Power of Media Toward Furthering Democracy
"Promoting The Power of Media Toward Furthering Democracy" The overall goal of this project is to raise awareness among Kosovo youth on the power of media on the democratization of society through the development [...]
Thirrje për propozime për Start-up
 THIRRJE PĂR APLIKIMJakova Innovation Center nĂ« partneritet me KomunĂ«n e GjakovĂ«s ftojnĂ« bizneset e reja/ ndĂ«rmarrĂ«sit me ide biznesi inovative qĂ« tĂ« aplikojnĂ« pĂ«r grante qĂ« kanĂ« pĂ«r qĂ«llim zhvillimin e bizneseve tĂ« reja pĂ«rmes [...]
Round Table on Assessment of Labour Market Analysis
Sot, mĂ« 18.05.2021 nĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« projektit âTĂ« bashkuar drejt fuqizimit tĂ« tĂ« rinjĂ«ve, grave dhe grupeve nĂ« disavantazhâ, projekt i pĂ«rkrahur nga Bashkimi Europian; implementuar nga Jakova Innovation Center nĂ« partneritet me KomunĂ«n e [...]
In The Press
Pyetësor për mundësitë për gratë në fushën e ndërmarrësisë në Kosovë
Ky pyetësor mat gjendjen lidhur me mundësitë që [...]
United towards empowering youth, women and disadvantaged groups
In the framework of the project âUnited towards [...]
United towards the empowerment of youth, women and disadvantaged groups
In the framework of the project "United towards [...]
On-Going Research
STEP UP – Thirrje per trajnime
đąWe are happy to announce that JIC is open for applications for training in digital skills, business skills and negotiation skills! All interested young people đ©đœâđ»đ§đœâđ»Â can apply by writing us at đ§email After the training session, [...]
Promoting The Power of Media Toward Furthering Democracy
"Promoting The Power of Media Toward Furthering Democracy" The overall goal of this project is to raise awareness among Kosovo youth on the power of media on the democratization of society through the development [...]
The Workforce Development Strategy
The current strategy is prepared for Jakova Innovation Center (JIC) as part of the EU financed project ââUnited towards empowering youth, women and disadvantaged groupsââ.  The municipalityâs long-term economic success depends on the strength of [...]
Call for applications: Social Media Local Expert
In the framework of the cooperation between #PPSE and Jakova Innovation Center, the call for applications is announced: social media Local Expert The main objective of this activity is to support SMEs from food [...]
Thirrje për propozime për Start-up
 THIRRJE PĂR APLIKIMJakova Innovation Center nĂ« partneritet me KomunĂ«n e GjakovĂ«s ftojnĂ« bizneset e reja/ ndĂ«rmarrĂ«sit me ide biznesi inovative qĂ« tĂ« aplikojnĂ« pĂ«r grante qĂ« kanĂ« pĂ«r qĂ«llim zhvillimin e bizneseve tĂ« reja pĂ«rmes [...]
Discover The Future
We are a multi-disciplinary laboratory committed to focussed and efficient drug discovery